Thursday, December 2, 2010

Journal #6 - "Change Agent" NETS-T 5

Journal #6: “Change Agent” NETS-T 5

Rebora, A. (2010, October 11). Change agent. Retrieved from,0


This interview was taken in part with Will Richardson. He is a former high school Journalism and English teacher who is now an educational-technology consultant and co-founder of Powerful Learning Practice. He is a huge advocate for technology, to the extent that he believes technology is essential for student growth and effective learning. He strongly emphasizes the significance for educators and as well as educators to implement Web 2.0 technology in class lessons. In other words, he wishes and/or argues for educators to work with the digital tools that we currently have and to show students the vast variety of technology resources and opportunities that are available in the Twenty First Century as well.


Q1: Do you believe that it is important for educators to implement Web 2.0 technology into class lessons?

A: Yes, I think it is great idea to implement web tool technology into the classroom. I find that teacher's who use such technology are helping their students become more active in our technological society. We have an extremely wide range of various different web tools that are made readily available for us to use. In other words, if we are provided with such web tools, then educators should definetly implement web 2.0 technology into the classroom.

Q2: Do you believe that technology is essential for student growth and effective learning?

A2: I find that technology can be essentially useful for developing student growth and effective learning. I say this because the implementation of technology in class assignments (i.e.: chapter summaries and oral presentations) can inspire children to want to actively participate in class. In other words, with engaging and visually pleasing web tools such as, Prezi, I find that children will actually have fun and will be focused on assignments. Also, for some students their grades may reach higher levels due to the implementation of technology in the classroom.

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